
Mission statement 

Slovak University of Agriculture has attained the position of one of Slovakia’s leading universities in the period since it was founded in 1946. The University is consistently rated in the top group for the high quality of its teaching and research in Slovak Republic. The University cultivates close and productive links with its local and regional community and will continue to expand its work at an international level in both teaching and scientific research. We have a strong tradition of working in collaboration with business and industry and playing an active role in economic regeneration. Finally, we recognise that our future success and direction will be dependent upon how we embrace and respond to new information and communication technologies.

The university provides education in the field of agriculture and related research areas such as: Agro biology, Food resources, Sustainable agriculture, Agricultural production, Biotechnology, Food technology, Engineering of agricultural machinery and equipment, Computerization and automation of agricultural equipment, Operation of energy facilities on agricultural production, Gardening and landscape design, Economics and Management, International trade in agricultural commodities, Marketing, Development of rural tourism, Project management for rural development, Lifelong learning, etc...

Our mission is:

  • To build an institution widely recognised, at a regional, national and international level, as a world leader in research and teaching.
  • To conduct research across all academic departments which makes a significant contribution to the extension of human knowledge and understanding.
  • Through our teaching and research programmes to equip our graduates with the necessary education and skills to make a significant contribution to the economy and to society as a whole.
  • To recruit students and staff with outstanding potential and to provide the best support and facilities to foster teaching, learning and research of the highest quality.
  • To serve our local and regional communities through the provision of excellent and innovative teaching, research, training, cultural, enterprise and employment opportunities.
  • To exploit opportunities for collaboration and partnership with other higher educational institutions, educational institutions and commercial partners.
  • To strengthen and diversify our activities in the fields of industrial and business liaison, innovation, exploitation and entrepreneurialism, thereby supporting economic growth and regeneration.
  • To continue our tradition of making a high quality and challenging University education available to those who are capable of benefiting from it.