We have been working with staff and students to develop a set of values that will influence the work of the Library. We are pleased to announce that they are:
- A library environment that is safe, welcoming, and offers a variety of comfortable spaces that will inspire learning, research and creativity
- Staff that are approachable, helpful, knowledgeable, courteous and take pride in working for the University Library.
- Information sources that are easily accessible, relevant, reliable and of high quality
Opening hours
Sunday - 10.00 - midnight
Monday - 8.30 - midnight
Tuesday - 8.30 - midnight
Wednesday - 8.30 - midnight
Thursday - 8.30 - midnight
Friday - 8.30 - midnight
Saturday - 9.00 - midnight
Facts and Figures
Joining the Library
Bachelors, Masters and Phd students are automatically registered with the Library at the start of their course. Just remember to bring along your Students ID Card if you want to gain access to the building or borrow books.
Our Objectives
- To support and facilitate the research, learning, teaching and administrative activities of the University, by organising, maintaining and providing access to appropriate literature and information resources in such a way as to provide optimum benefit for Library users.
- To supply services and expertise designed actively to promote the effective exploitation of Library and information resources, including the teaching of transferable information handling skills.
- To provide an appropriate and comfortable environment, accommodation and facilities for the use of Library resources, and for individual and group study.
Online Resources
Slovak Agricultural University Library has access to a large number of resources which are available via the Intranet. These can be accessed from anywhere within the university premises and at anytime by SPU staff and students.
Visit us at :